Account - (noun) money deposited in a credit union (The person who deposited the money can also withdraw the money.)
Allowance - (noun) a sum regularly provided for personal or household expenses
Board of Directors - (noun) an organized group of administrators (people who make decisions about how the credit union should be run)
Budget - (noun) a plan for the coordination of income and expenses; (verb) to plan or provide for the use of in detail-to plan how to save and spend your money
Cooperative - (noun) an enterprise or organization owned by and operated for the benefit of the people using its services (If you guessed that this word comes from the idea of "cooperation" which means being willing and able to work together, you are correct!)
Credit - (noun) the balance in a person's favor in an account or an amount or sum placed at a person's disposal by a bank or time given for payment for goods or services sold on trust
Credit Card - (noun) a card authorizing purchases on credit
Credit Union - (noun) a cooperative association that makes small loans to its members at low interest rates
Debit - (noun) a charge against a credit union deposit account
Debit Card - (noun) a card like a credit card by which money may be withdrawn or the cost of purchases paid directly from the holder's credit union account without the payment of interest
Debt - (noun) something-usually money-that is owed
Deposit - (noun) something placed for safekeeping, such as money placed in a credit union; (verb) to place especially for safekeeping or as a pledge, for example, to put in a credit union
Expense - (noun) something paid-usually money-to get a benefit or bring about a result; a financial burden
Field of Membership - (noun) the group of people (members) who are allowed to join a certain credit union
Financial Institution - (noun) any organization that allows people to deposit, withdraw, and borrow money
Income - (noun) a charge for borrowed money, generally a percentage of the amount borrowed
Interest - (noun) the amount of such gain received in a period of time
Loan - (noun) money lent at interest
Member - (noun) one of the individuals composing a group, especially a person who belongs to a credit union
Nonprofit - (adjective) not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit
Profit - (noun) the excess of returns over expenditure in a transaction or series of transactions; especially : the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost
Save - (verb) to put aside as a store or reserve
Shareholder - (noun) a person who owns a share in property
Spend - (verb) to use up or pay out
Teller - (noun) a member of a credit union's staff concerned with the direct handling of money received or paid out
Vault - (noun) a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables
Withdraw - (verb) to remove (take out) money from a place of deposit
Withdrawal - (noun) removal from a place of deposit or investment |